SIAM Design and Styling Annual Meet at MITID™

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2 Minutes to read24 Apr 2024


MIT Institute of Design hosted the Annual Meet of SIAM Design and Styling this year. Design heads of major automobile companies in India attended the meet at MITID™ campus at Loni Kalbhor to discuss the future road map to strengthen the automotive Design ecosystem in India.

SIAM Design and Styling group is part of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) which is the apex Industry body representing 46 leading vehicle and vehicular engine manufacturers in India. SIAM is an important channel of communication for the Automobile Industry with the Government, National and International organisations. The Society works closely with all the concerned stake holders and actively participates in formulation of rules, regulations and policies related to the Automobile Industry. One major focus area for SIAM is to facilitate up gradation of capabilities of the Indian Industry to match the best practice worldwide. Government of India as proposed the ADI (Automotive Design Initiative) which is managed by SIAM. The objective is create a long term sustainable roadmap to ensure the creation of a Design Ecosystem through proper training and mentoring of requisite skill sets for the Indian Automotive sector.